瑞典皇家工程科学院院士刘建影教授学术讲座 纳米颗粒技术在电子制造与封装中的应用 ? 讲座题目:纳米颗粒技术在电子制造与封装中的应用 主讲人:刘建影?教授...
??? In system modeling anddecision-making, we encounter a variety of distributed sources of data thatsubsequently are transformed into a collecti...
? 报告主题: 1、??? On the Values of Quick Response and Inventory Carryover for Dynamic Supplier Contracts 2、??? Emerging Research Initiatives and...
Increasing powerdensities within microelectronic systems places an ever increasing demand onthe thermal management. Thermal interface materials (TI...
? 适用于微型多功能器件异质集成的先进材料及制造技术 报告摘要: 几十年来,为满足电信、物联网、能源等领域的需求,新材料和先进的制造工艺快速发展,3D...
瑞典查尔莫斯理工大学刘建影教授学术报告 ? 报告题目:电子器件石墨烯碳纳米管互连与散热研究...
报告人简介:吴小锋,德国莱布尼兹催化研究所课题组长。2007年7月本科毕业于浙江理工大学并获学士学位。2009年6月硕士毕业于法国Rennes 1 University,2012年...
?In recent years, graphiticcarbon nitride has been developed as a new carbon-based photocatalyst for manyapplications. Meanwhile, solar light is a...
报告简介: The Internet of things (IoT) enabled systems have become increasinglyavailable in practice. In such a system, condition monitori...
??????? 范维澄,中国工程院院士、教授、英国拉夫堡大学名誉博士,清华大学公共安全研究院院长。主要研究领域:公共安全动力学演化、风险评估、监测监控、预...
? 报告简介: Using textual analysis of a large sample of analyst reports, we find that analysts’ use of discounted cash flow (DCF) model compared t...
主讲人:王晓坤(Cara Wang); 美国伦斯勒理工学院土木与环境工程系 副教授学术报告: 题 目:Impacts of Information Technology and Urbanization on Less-...
?安若鹏,现任伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) 应用健康科学学院 (College of Applied Health Sciences) 运动学与社区...
?? 报告题目:大数据环境下的微观信用评价理论与方法研究研讨 报告人:迟国泰等 时间及地点:2018.06.30 8:00-17:10? 管经新大楼B312 报告摘要: ...
As aleading cause of adult disability, stroke is also the number three cause ofdeath behind diseases of the heart and cancer, and strokes kill ove...
报告题目:Generation andaccumulation of defects in metals under high energy particle irradiation 报告人:義家敏正(Toshimasa Yoshiie) 教授 报告时...
Abstract Thispresentation will outline optimization approaches applied to the OffshoreRenewable Energy (ORE) industry. Often it is of large import...
Zhao obtained his B.S. in Chemistry at Peking University in 2002 where he carried out his undergraduate research with Prof. Limin Qi on Surface Che...
顾先明博士,现任职于西南财经大学经济数学学院,数学研究所副所长、硕士生导师。2017年在电子科技大学获得博士学位,2014-2016年获得荷兰格罗宁根大学Ubbo E...