报告3:Photonic Data Compression in High-Speed RF Signal Detection
王超博士本科毕业于天津大学精密仪器专业,研究生毕业于南开大学,博士毕业于加拿大渥太华大学,其后在加州大学洛杉矶分校从事博士后研究工作。王超博士2013年加入英国肯特大学工程学院,目前担任Senior Lecturer(副教授)。长期从事微波光子、光纤通信及生物光子技术的前沿科研工作,相关研究成果已在本领域国际权威期刊和主要国际会议上发表学术论文100 余篇,包括在Optics Express,IEEE Photonics Journal等期刊发表特邀综述文章。所发表工作已被Nature Photonics, Nature Biotechnology, Time Magazine, Scientific American, Optics & Photonics News 和Laser Focus World等国际权威杂志亮点报道。先后受邀在2008年IEEE光电子协会年会(LEOS),2010年IEEE 国际微波光子学主题年会(MWP)及2015, 2018年欧洲光通信会议(ECOC)等国际会议上做特邀口头报告,并获得2010 年IEEE 国际微波光子学主题年会(MWP)最佳论文奖及2016年美国光学学会(OSA)年会(FiO)的Post-deadline论文。
报告3: Photonic Data Compression in High-Speed RF Signal Detection
Measuring high frequency and broadband microwave signals in a high-resolution while low-cost manner is a real challenge. Nyquist sampling theorem tells us that the sampling rate should be at least twice of the maximum signal frequency for a faithful signal detection. Here we report several novel microwave photonic solutions for sub-Nyquist signal detection with compressed time-bandwidth product, including non-uniform photonic time stretch, photonic compressed sensing and phase-shifted Fourier transform scanning. They provide promising solutions to tackle the bandwidth limitation and data traffic problems in ultrafast signal detection.